File Sizes and File Counts

Total Files:
Average File Size:
78.5 lines
Average Revisions Per File:

File Count

Average File Size

File Types

Type Files LOC LOC per file
Totals 344 (100.0%) 27011 (100.0%) 78.5
*.py 132 (38.4%) 15223 (56.4%) 115.3
*.html 47 (13.7%) 2672 (9.9%) 56.8
*.css 13 (3.8%) 2265 (8.4%) 174.2
*.8 1 (0.3%) 2011 (7.4%) 2011.0
*.1 1 (0.3%) 2000 (7.4%) 2000.0
*.js 11 (3.2%) 816 (3.0%) 74.1
*.svg 3 (0.9%) 361 (1.3%) 120.3
*.json 2 (0.6%) 313 (1.2%) 156.5
*.org 1 (0.3%) 88 (0.3%) 88.0
*.sql 4 (1.2%) 20 (0.1%) 5.0
Others 7 (2.0%) 1242 (4.6%) 177.4
Non-Code Files 122 (35.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Largest Files

File Lines of Code
file in repo local/ 2858
file in repo local/ 2011
file in repo local/ 2011
file in repo local/ 2000
file in repo TODO 596
file in repo newsrss/media/jquery-ui/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.1.css 486
file in repo local/djapian/ 480
file in repo newsrss/media/css/widgets.css 426
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/views/ 408
file in repo newsrss/media/js/jquery.asmselect.js 407
file in repo local/ 375
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/templates/show_bookmarks.html 341
file in repo newsrss/media/css/style.css 332
file in repo local/webscraper/ 318
file in repo local/djapian/ 300
file in repo README 273
file in repo local/threadedcomments/ 259
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/views/ 257
file in repo bin/ 255
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/templates/article.html 238

Files With Most Revisions

File Revisions
file in repo TODO 64
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/templates/show_bookmarks.html 63
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/templates/index.html 62
file in repo newsrss/media/css/style.css 50
file in repo newsrss/media/css/forms.css 35
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/templates/nav_by_day.html 34
file in repo newsrss/ 33
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/templates/article.html 30
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/views/ 29
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/views/ 28
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/views/ 27
file in repo newsrss/ 26
file in repo newsrss/templates/base.html 25
File removed from repo cli/ 24
file in repo local/webscraper/ 24
file in repo newsrss/media/css/profile.css 24
file in repo newsrss/newsapp/ 23
File removed from repo cli/ 22
File removed from repo newsrss/newsapp/ 21
file in repo README 16
Generated by StatSVN 0.4.0