/newsrss/trunk/newsrss Developers: helder

Login name:
Total Commits:
1338 (77.2%)
Lines of Code:
36511 (86.1%)
Most Recent Commit:
2010-07-12 22:38

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for helder

Activity by Day of Week for helder

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 1338 (100.0%) 36511 (100.0%) 27.2
local/ 18 (1.3%) 11608 (31.8%) 644.8
cli/ 118 (8.8%) 2711 (7.4%) 22.9
newsrss/newsapp/templates/ 208 (15.5%) 2651 (7.3%) 12.7
bin/ 73 (5.5%) 2628 (7.2%) 36.0
local/webscraper/sites/ 50 (3.7%) 1442 (3.9%) 28.8
newsrss/newsapp/views/ 90 (6.7%) 1367 (3.7%) 15.1
local/djapian/ 17 (1.3%) 1232 (3.4%) 72.4
/ 57 (4.3%) 1042 (2.9%) 18.2
cli/reader/ 39 (2.9%) 997 (2.7%) 25.5
newsrss/media/css/ 68 (5.1%) 983 (2.7%) 14.4
local/reader/ 34 (2.5%) 930 (2.5%) 27.3
dev_resources/snippets/ 19 (1.4%) 847 (2.3%) 44.5
local/webscraper/ 46 (3.4%) 783 (2.1%) 17.0
newsrss/media/js/ 10 (0.7%) 576 (1.6%) 57.6
local/djapian/tests/ 15 (1.1%) 552 (1.5%) 36.8
local/threadedcomments/ 14 (1.0%) 544 (1.5%) 38.8
newsrss/newsapp/models/ 20 (1.5%) 498 (1.4%) 24.9
newsrss/ 54 (4.0%) 498 (1.4%) 9.2
local/webscraper/rss/ 21 (1.6%) 494 (1.4%) 23.5
newsrss/media/jquery-ui/css/smoothness/ 1 (0.1%) 486 (1.3%) 486.0
newsrss/newsapp/ 47 (3.5%) 464 (1.3%) 9.8
local/djapian/management/commands/ 10 (0.7%) 454 (1.2%) 45.4
dev_resources/images/ 35 (2.6%) 361 (1.0%) 10.3
newsrss/templates/ 34 (2.5%) 327 (0.9%) 9.6
newsrss/media/js/date-picker/ 6 (0.4%) 267 (0.7%) 44.5
local/threadedcomments/templatetags/ 2 (0.1%) 237 (0.6%) 118.5
local/threadedcomments/fixtures/ 1 (0.1%) 191 (0.5%) 191.0
newsrss/newsapp/urls/ 28 (2.1%) 152 (0.4%) 5.4
newsrss/media/js/autocomplete/ 5 (0.4%) 149 (0.4%) 29.8
local/threadedcomments/management/commands/ 3 (0.2%) 148 (0.4%) 49.3
error/ 5 (0.4%) 136 (0.4%) 27.2
newsrss/manageapp/templates/ 10 (0.7%) 132 (0.4%) 13.2
newsrss/manageapp/ 9 (0.7%) 126 (0.3%) 14.0
local/djapian/utils/ 6 (0.4%) 111 (0.3%) 18.5
newsrss/authapp/ 5 (0.4%) 100 (0.3%) 20.0
dev_resources/server/ 3 (0.2%) 91 (0.2%) 30.3
newsrss/authapp/templates/ 3 (0.2%) 58 (0.2%) 19.3
newsrss/middleware/ 3 (0.2%) 29 (0.1%) 9.6
newsrss/newsapp/templatetags/ 2 (0.1%) 28 (0.1%) 14.0
local/threadedcomments/templates/ 1 (0.1%) 26 (0.1%) 26.0
newsrss/newsapp/sql/ 16 (1.2%) 25 (0.1%) 1.5
newsrss/media/jquery-ui/js/ 1 (0.1%) 23 (0.1%) 23.0
newsrss/registrationapp/ 1 (0.1%) 5 (0.0%) 5.0
local/threadedcomments/sql/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
local/threadedcomments/management/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
newsrss/media/jquery-ui/css/smoothness/images/ 13 (1.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
newsrss/media/img/ 47 (3.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
local/djapian/management/ 1 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
gimp_images/screenshots/ 4 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
gimp_images/ 30 (2.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
dev_resources/screenshots/ 11 (0.8%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
dev_resources/ 20 (1.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
articles/css/ 2 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of helder

Most Recent Commits

helder 2010-07-12 22:38 Rev.: 833

Recaptcha option

68 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • local/threadedcomments: forms.py (+17), urls.py (+1 -1), views.py (+27 -6)
  • newsrss: settings.py (+7)
  • newsrss/middleware: threadlocals.py (+4)
  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: article.html (+4 -1), comment_form.html (+3)
  • newsrss/registrationapp: forms.py (+5 -5)
helder 2010-07-12 12:13 Rev.: 832

Comment costumization to allow only auth posting

68 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • TODO (+9)
  • local/threadedcomments: __init__.py (+4), models.py (+3 -1), urls.py (new 7), views.py (new 27)
  • newsrss: settings.py (+1), urls.py (+1)
  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: article.html (+13 -10), comment_form.html (-19)
  • newsrss/newsapp/views: bookmarks.py (+3)
helder 2010-07-10 23:49 Rev.: 831

Comment form

61 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • local/threadedcomments: models.py (+1 -1)
  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: article.html (+15 -22), comment_form.html (new 45)
helder 2010-07-08 23:46 Rev.: 830

Threaded comment integration - no display formating

1113 lines of code changed in 20 files:

  • local/threadedcomments: __init__.py (new 12), admin.py (new 31), forms.py (new 31), models.py (new 56), tests.py (new 259), util.py (new 68)
  • local/threadedcomments/fixtures: simple_tree.json (new 191)
  • local/threadedcomments/management: __init__.py (new 1)
  • local/threadedcomments/management/commands: __init__.py (new), migrate_comments.py (new 36), migrate_threaded_comments.py (new 112)
  • local/threadedcomments/sql: threadedcomment.mysql.sql (new 1)
  • local/threadedcomments/templates: sample_tree.html (new 26)
  • local/threadedcomments/templatetags: __init__.py (new), threadedcomments_tags.py (new 237)
  • newsrss: settings.py (+5 -1), urls.py (+3)
  • newsrss/media/css: article.css (+1), forms.css (+3 -1)
  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: article.html (+40)
helder 2010-07-08 04:25 Rev.: 829

Better BETA

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • dev_resources/images: beta.png (new)
  • newsrss/media/img: beta.png (changed)
helder 2010-07-07 23:06 Rev.: 828

Beta notice - css adjustment

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • newsrss/media/css: profile.css (+1 -1)
helder 2010-07-07 23:03 Rev.: 827

Beta notice

5 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • newsrss/media/css: profile.css (+1 -1), style.css (+4 -3)
  • newsrss/media/img: beta.png (new)
helder 2010-07-06 18:01 Rev.: 824

Alt tag pagination

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: tretas_pagination.html (+2 -2)
helder 2010-07-06 17:58 Rev.: 823

Alt tag on the bullets

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: results.html (+2 -2)
helder 2010-07-06 17:52 Rev.: 822

Fix get query on the pagination code

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • newsrss/newsapp/views: browse.py (+2)
helder 2010-07-06 08:06 Rev.: 821

Another small cosmetic change to the tools menu

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • newsrss/media/css: style.css (+1)
  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: index.html (+1 -1)
helder 2010-07-05 16:56 Rev.: 820

Another small cosmetic change to the tools menu

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • newsrss/media/css: style.css (+3)
helder 2010-07-05 16:51 Rev.: 819

Small cosmetic change

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • newsrss/templates: base.html (+7 -9)
helder 2010-07-05 16:46 Rev.: 818

Drop down menu

69 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • newsrss/media/css: style.css (+35)
  • newsrss/templates: base.html (+34 -1)
helder 2010-07-05 15:47 Rev.: 817

Tools view, generic view usage for the about page and not implemented page

41 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • newsrss: urls.py (+14 -6), views.py (del)
  • newsrss/media/img: down.png (new)
  • newsrss/templates: base.html (+2 -3), tools.html (new 25)
helder 2010-07-02 23:24 Rev.: 816

Enhanced article by urlid view - link from the administration page

102 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • newsrss: settings.py (+3)
  • newsrss/manageapp/templates: manage_index.html (+11 -4)
  • newsrss/newsapp: forms.py (+23 -6)
  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: article_by_urlid.html (new 45), source_list.html (del)
  • newsrss/newsapp/urls: article_url.py (+1 -7)
  • newsrss/newsapp/views: article.py (+19 -2)
helder 2010-07-02 23:22 Rev.: 815

Properly comment out the under construction parts

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: user_profile_base.html (+2 -2)
helder 2010-06-30 16:09 Rev.: 814

More logging on the indexer

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • bin: indexer.py (+2 -1)
helder 2010-06-30 16:06 Rev.: 813

Logging on the indexer

11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • bin: indexer.py (+11 -9)
helder 2010-06-29 21:01 Rev.: 812

Voting on the article view

31 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • newsrss/newsapp/templates: article.html (+25), results.html (+6 -2)

(354 more)

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